The Brand-New Version of IGis Maps

The “swiss knife” developed and used in South Tyrol for the integrated management of Geo Referenced data and related information


2023 saw the launch, after a long and well-structured revision and development process, all based on a fruitful collaboration between several departments of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, most of the township in South Tyrol, Informatica Alto Adige (SIAG – Technical partner) and the Consortium of Municipalities of the Province of Bolzano, of the new version of the integrated geographic data management system IGis Maps. In use for years in South Tyrol, has in the Consortium one of its most enthusiastic contributors and supporters.

The very first version was released about eight years ago and its implementation was based on the idea of creating a multi-purpose GIS management system that could support different types of users, that was highly customizable, and, above all, that could be widely shared among the various management entities, both public and private, present within our territory.

After years of use and ad-hoc developments, we can finally present the new version of the IGis Maps system, which incorporates all the technical and technological improvements we realized the system needed.

It was not just a major update together with new functionalities combined inside the previous software structure, but a true re-engineering that led, among other things, to a new and more efficient user interface, a major advancement regarding the internal security, an optimization and improvement of the entire editing section as well as an optimization of the section regarding the automatic geo-processes.

A mobile version is currently under development to better support any field activities, for which a very powerful option will be included, the possibility of creating special work sessions in off-line mode so as to be able to operate even in areas without a proper cellular line network coverage.

Other very important peculiarities concern that the system is developed using a totally free software code and infrastructure, that a detailed documentation has been produced to ensure sustainability to any further future evolution, even in case of technical partner turnover, and finally, that by taking advantage of the high standards and levels of security access can be guaranteed to any type of user. From professional users, through dedicated access and qualifications or, using the ordinary SPID, to the private citizen.

We will show examples of how different types of users and stakeholders now permanently use the system for the management of a variety of tasks related to their activities, and how it was possible to customize IGis Maps to create visualization and data management contexts that best meet their needs.

We will also present a related project concerning the updating and the correction of the new technical basal cartography, built upon the new Basic Core specification, achieved through the automatic conversion implemented by the SIAG team starting from the previous National Core cartography. With the new IGis Maps it was possible to create an advanced editing and management environment that allow both experienced and less advanced users to interact with this important new informative layer to fill all those gaps and errors that are more than normal to discover following an important automatic translation action such as the one carried out for the Basic Core project.

