Software testing for remote proof of concept studies of digital therapies

From the definition of a proof of concept study to the development and testing of the required technical infrastructure


Digital therapies are evidence-based therapeutic interventions that use software to prevent, manage, or treat a medical disorder or disease.
Not only they require carefully planned clinical studies, but they require also a suitable technical infrastructure not to lose or compromise relevant information. Consequently, careful software testing and monitoring is necessary to ensure that the technical infrastructure is working correctly during the study.

In this talk we will describe the entire process used for the analysis of the effectiveness of Nearine, a digital therapy for the management of depressive symptoms based on interoceptive stimulation through vibrations applied on the wrist.
We will start with the description of the remote proof of concept study used for the assessment of the effectiveness and potential adverse effects. After that, the technical infrastructure necessary for the study will be outlined.
Finally we will show how the usage of CatchSolve for software testing has decreased the risk of potential loss of information during the study.

The talk is the result of a joint collaboration between CatchSolve, software testing startup based in NOI Techpark, and Nearine, a new digital health and neurotechnology startup based in Bolzano.



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