Matteo Camilli
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
I’m currently a research fellow (RTDA) at the Faculty of Computer Science of
the Free University of bozen-Bolzano (Italy), where and I work in the Software and Systems Engineering (SWSE) research group. Previously I was a postdoc. research assistant (AR) at the Computer Science dept. of the University of Milan (Italy). I was part of the computer science deptartment board as a delegate of postdoctoral researchers. During my Ph.D. program, I have been selected to participate in the ACM Student Research Competition and Doctoral Symposium of different editions of the ICSE conference. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Milan in 2014. My dissertation focused on the combination of advanced abstraction techniques and big data approaches to tackle the state explosion problem in formal verification. My current research activity focuses on software engineering, formal methods, formal Verification, model-based testing. I’m especially interested in methods and tools to improve the dependability of adaptable and evolvable time-dependent applications. I publish papers in international journals and in proceedings of international conferences. I regularly serves as member of the program committee of international conferences and as a referee for top-ranked journals (e.g., IEEE SMCA, IEEE TSC, Elsevier JSS, Springer EMSE). I co-organized different international workshops (e.g., FAACS) and I’m part of the organizing committee of international conferences (e.g., IEEE ICSA).
My main research interests cover the macro-areas of formal methods and software engineering with a particular focus on:
– Software requirements specification, analysis, and verification;
– Model-based testing;
– Uncertainty quantification along the software lifecycle;
– Desing-time and runtime verification of software systems;
– Formal modeling using Markov models;
and the application of methodologies, theories, approaches, and techniques specific to the above research areas to complex, advanced, distributed, time-dependent, service-oriented, component-based, and self-adaptive systems.
According to Google Scholar (June 2021), my h-index is 10 with 246 citations. Currently, my major research contributions concern: the usage of massively parallel distributed architectures to verify efficiently correctness of complex software systems; the definition of a methodology to deal with the Inverse Uncertainty Quantification (IUQ) problem during the development lifecycle and its usage in the area of service-based systems and cyber-physical systems; the definition of formal models to specify and verify distributed (time-dependent) self-adaptive systems having decentralized adaptation control.