Marco Mondini
While I was finishing my last high school year, I started working on the FlashBeing project, looking with my team for investors and trying to develop step by step the company. During the summer period I was organizing the first launch of “”, and at the same time I moved to Bolzano, in order to start my University career.
Currently I am a second year bachelor student of computer science and engineering and I am working as COO at Flashbeing srl. I am responsible for the team organization and the daily operations. Recently I have also started an open source project focused on web feeds, which takes place in our office in Bolzano.
Thanks to my previous experiences and my University commitment, I’ve learned and I am learning how to get the most from each team member and
how to work as a team. I have developed an entrepreneurial mindset as well as hands-on mentality and gained good Lean Startup methodologies and good product development skills. As what concern my IT background, I acquired good experience in the web and mobile application development.