Lucas Lasota
FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe
Legal Team
Lucas Lasota is an international legal counsel with background in Contract and Technology Law. In Brazil and Russia he was practising the field of e-commerce, transfer of technology, telecommunications and arbitration. Over the years he got experience in the academic sector as well, achieving a Master and PhD in law. For him Free Software is a precondition for a safe, neutral and healthy digital environment. At the FSFE, he has been dealing with FOSS legal aspects, helping people to maintain control over technology.

Talk at SFSCON
Edition 2024We went to court against Apple – a case for Software FreedomBreaking lock-ins over devices with Free Software
Edition 2023The Future of Connectivity, Open Internet and Human RightsMaking telecommunications more democratic with Free Software
Edition 2022What are some common Free Software Licenses
Edition 2022What is a license
Edition 2022Device Neutrality: Safeguarding Open Internet with Free Software
Edition 2021Protecting Router Freedom within the EU reform of telecom law
Edition 2020Challenges ahead for Router Freedom in Europe
Edition 2019Router Freedom is Moving On!