Giancarlo Calzetta
Security Info
Born in 1971 (yes, I’m “experienced”)
Passionate in Tech since youngest age, I studied information technology, worked as a videogame programmer while studying and the started working as a journalist at 19.
I got a big list of publications I worked for as contributor, editor and director in both consumer and B2B area.
I actually work as
Director of Tom’s Hardware (tech enthusiats site) B2B Channels,
Director of SecurityInfo (vertical website dedicated to IT Security)
Contributor for Il Sole 24 Ore (Most inlfuent italian financial newspaper) for technology topics.
I’m also a trainer in IT Security topics (mainly B2B) and Digital transformation consultant.
As an hobby, with a friend I run a remote astronomical observatory in Canary Islands (Fuerteventura), available for free for school’s projects.
Journalist since 2000.