Alberto Pianon
A long standing activist and user of Free and Open Source Software, Alberto is a qualified lawyer in private practice in Vicenza, Italy. His practice covers intellectual property, cyberlaw and copyright law, with a particular focus on open source licensing and compliance, especially in the embedded/IoT field. He is member of the Legal Network of the FSFE and partner of OpenChain in Europe together with Carlo Piana (Array). Supporter of FSFE’s Free Your Android initiative and advocate of private cloud and self-hosting solutions. Used to read (and sometimes write) code in Python, PHP, JS, shell scripting, Java, C.

Talk at SFSCON
Edition 2024Cyber Resilience Act, already too late to comply?Compliance is dead, long live compliance
Edition 2023KYCS ‒ Know Your Code Sources (and let it be known)How Cyber Resilience Act is going to change FOSS forever and what can we do about it?
Edition 2022Yocto, with great power comes legal headacheHow complex legal compliance can be in a Yocto building environment
Edition 2021Aliens4friends: make yourself an alien friendCompliance in a complex Yocto/Bitbake-based operating system
Edition 2020Howdyadoc: a Free, open source git+markdown toolchain for legal documents that just worksHow we learned to stop worrying and develop contracts as code